How do I cite confidential company documents?


Thank you for the question about citing confidential company documents.

  • First of all, check with the company employer for permission before sharing information from confidential documents with Baker College students & faculty.
  • If you have permission, cite a confidential document as a "Personal Communication" since it is not retrievable by anyone else. 
  • Since the information isn't retrievable, the resource is cited within the text but not on the References page, according to the APA guidelines.

Example of how to cite confidential company document:

According to the confidential Starbucks employee guidelines (personal communication, March 15, 2020), "Starbucks employees will...."

Visit the APA Help guide to see a citation for a Personal Communication.

Personal Communication

Show only in-text. Format: 
Last name, First & Middle initials (personal communication, Month Date, year).


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  • Last Updated Jun 29, 2020
  • Views 19117
  • Answered By Baker Librarians

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