How do I cite a survey on the reference page?

I took a survey of students and used it in my research paper. How do I cite that since it's not a published piece of writing?


Personal surveys conducted by students are:

  • Cited in-text only.
  • Not published works, so they are not included on the References page.

Example of an in-text citation of a survey you conducted:

  • First and Middle Initials Last Name (Survey, Date, Year)
  • Example: According to the student survey conducted by M.A. Jewell, students prefer to save money on textbooks by using rental books. (Survey, Date, Year).

If the survey is a professional survey from the internet:

  • Cite it as a website.  
  • Visit the APA Help guide.
  • Click on References and In-text Citation Examples.

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  • Last Updated Feb 09, 2021
  • Views 104299
  • Answered By Baker Librarians

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