Are titles such as doctor included in author's name on the References page?


Author titles such as MD and PhD are not included on the References page or in-text citations in APA Style.

From the APA Blog:

If mentioning an author’s academic credentials or professional title in the text because it is relevant to the discussion, use the format without periods (for example PhD, not Ph.D.)

  • Titles may be used in the body of the paper, according to some Instructors at Baker College.
  • If the professor at your college says otherwise, follow their advice.

For more examples of APA style, visit the APA Help guide.

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  • Last Updated May 09, 2023
  • Views 43934
  • Answered By Baker Librarians

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Comments (4)

  1. The answer given about the use of titles in text has been difficult to find. A professor at a different college told me to never use authors titles such as "PhD" or "Dr." However, this site states otherwise. Is information about the use of titles in text on an APA website so that I can check for verification? Thanks!
    by Mary-Ann on Apr 17, 2017
  2. You are correct that titles are not used in APA for in-text citations or on the References page. A faculty person in the English department at Baker College said that titles may be used in the body of the paper if you wish, but if your professor says otherwise, follow his or her advice.
    by ASK US on Apr 18, 2017
  3. What about situations in evaluations when you are noting how a patient was seen by a physician?
    Which is correct:
    A: "JohnnyBoy is seen regularly by his pediatrician, Jane Doe, MD., who referred him to optometrist, Isee More, OD."

    B: "JohnnyBoy is seen regularly by his pediatrician, Dr. Jane Doe, who referred him to optometrist, Dr. Isee More."

    C: "JohnnyBoy is seen regularly by his pediatrician, Jane Doe, who referred him to optometrist, Isee More."
    by fosgate3 on Sep 03, 2019
  4. I found this on the APA Blog:
    Note that if you do want to mention an author’s academic credentials or professional title in the text because it is relevant to the discussion, you should use the format without periods (e.g., PhD, not Ph.D.)
    So, your answer of A above is correct, except there would not be period after the MD.
    by ASK US Librarian on Sep 18, 2019

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