How do I cite an employee handbook?


The citation for an employee handbook will vary depending on if it is:

  • A print book or e-book
  • A website   
  • For examples, see below or visit the APA Help guide.


For print handbook:

Author's last name, Author's first Initial. (Year). Book title in italics. (edition, if there is one). City where it was published, State abbreviation: Name of publishing house.

*Use the company name if there is no author.

Example of print handbook: 

Waller, B. (2018). Smith Corp. Employee Handbook (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

For e-book:

Author's last name, Author's first Initial. (Year). Book title in italics. (edition, if there is one). City where it was published, State abbreviation: Name of publishing house. Retrieved from website address.

*Use the company name if there is no author.

Example of e-book:

Zeinert, K. (2018). Employee handbook. Brookfield, CT: Millbrook Press. Retrieved from website address.

For a website handbook:

Author's name/Company name. (Year). Title of the handbook in italics. Retrieved from website address.

Example from a website:

Starbucks. (2019). Public policy and internal standards. Retrieved from website address.

For more help, visit the APA Help Guide.

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  • Last Updated Feb 04, 2021
  • Views 57755
  • Answered By Baker Librarians

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